curriculum vitae


2022 Postdoctoral Researcher, Brown University

National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-2024)


2022 Ph.D. Geological Sciences, The Jackson School of Geosciences, UT-Austin

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow (2018-2021)

Thesis: Mesozoic-Cenozoic foreland basin evolution in northern Patagonia, Argentina (~42-48°S): integrating magmatism, subduction dynamics and sedimentation

2017 Honors B.S. Geological Sciences, University of Alaska Anchorage

2017 Wasatch-Uinta Field Program, University of Minnesota Duluth


(1)  The accumulation of sediment- and brine-hosted lithium resources

(2)  Drivers and consequences of high topography

(3)  Paleoclimate archives of lacustrine depositional systems

(4)  Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion metrics in Geoscience


2020-2021 Leigh Mercer

project: Miocene-Pliocene zircon U-Pb ages of volcanic ashes in Clayton Valley basin, Nevada

2018-2021  Anthony Edgington

Designed field- and lab-based undergraduate student thesis project. Under my mentorship, Anthony has successfully funded two field seasons in Patagonia through undergraduate research grants. He was selected for the 2019 SURGE program at Stanford University. He is writing his results as a first author manuscript and is now a graduate student at the University of Connecticut working with Dr. Julie Fosdick. See his research website here.


2022 GEO386G GIS/GPS Applications in Earth Science

2022 GEO660B Field Camp Assistant Instructor

2020 GEO660B Field Camp Assistant Instructor

Teaching field-based mapping, cross-section construction, measuring of stratigraphic section, and rock description

2019 GEO660A Field Camp Teaching Assistant

Teaching field-based mapping, cross-section construction, measuring of stratigraphic section, and rock descriptions

2017 GEO440K Field Methods Teaching Assistant

Taught an 8-student undergraduate lab section in igneous/metamorphic and sedimentary rock description, interpretation of geologic maps including construction of cross-sections, and compass skills. Assisted for field-based class component including overnight camping trips (8 days total): geologic mapping measuring stratigraphic section in siliciclastic and carbonate systems, developing geologic histories, rock descriptions, and compass skills.


2018 ConocoPhillips (Lower48 Permian Basin Development), Graduate Geology Summer Intern

Reservoir Characterization of the Paddock Formation, Yeso Group, NW Shelf, NM

Produced updated facies scheme, gross depositional environment and reservoir quality maps for the Paddock Formation using whole core, sidewall core, and thin section petrography. Impacts: informed active development plan and recommended drill locations for following year. Return internship offer extended. 

2017 ExxonMobil/SEG, Student Education Program (2 days)

2016 Devon Canada Corporation (CHOPS), Undergraduate Geology Summer Intern

Produced sequence stratigraphic correlations of the Manville Group using well log suites for 3400 wells, core, and 2D seismic data. Delineated incised valley geometries and resource potential by developing over 50 maps (isopach, net-to-gross, net pay, structure). Impacts: updated volumetric calculations and recommendations for lease renewals.

2015 Devon Canada Corporation (SAGD), Undergraduate Geology Summer Intern

Analyzed depositional trends in point bar-hosted breccia deposits within the McMurray Formation using a data set of 350 well log suites and 20 cores. Impacts: recommendations for adjusting pad placement and injector/producer depths; this work flow is now utilized across Devon Canada assets.


2022 Department of Geosciences Field Camp Director Faculty Search Committee: Graduate student member

2021-2022 SoftRock Seminar Coordinator Jackson School of Geosciences

2019-2021 Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) Student Councilor

Served on the SEPM Council and adhoc committees: committee to hire Digital Marketing executive, committee to hire SEPM Foundation president, committee for action on Equality and Diversity in SEPM

2020-2021 DeFord Lecture Series Committee

2020 GSA Annual Meeting session chair: (virtual meeting)

Using Paired Single-Mineral Geochronology and Geochemistry to Address Tectonic Problems from the Mid-Crust to Earth’s Surface

2019 Department of Geosciences Sedimentology Faculty Search Committee: Graduate student member

2017 Alaska Volcano Observatory (USGS), Volunteer (4 months)

Prepared geochemical datasets for publication, processed whole rock and tephra samples for analysis, and developed a simplified user guide for making graphical figures using AABEL. 

2014 Alaska Volcano Observatory (USGS), Volunteer (1 year)

Processed volcanic samples, assisted with field research and managed an international volcanic hazards website.



Farouk El-Baz/GSA Desert Research Award

NSF EAR Tectonics Postdoctoral Fellowship

Graduate Student Research Grants & Fellowships


National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2018-2021) 

Provost Supplement Fellowship University of Texas Austin (2017-2021)     


GSA Graduate Student Research Grant


Jackson School of Geosciences (UT-Austin) Analytical Fund Award

Jackson School of Geosciences (UT-Austin) External Research Grant 

IAS Postgraduate Grant

AAPG Grants-in-Aid General Fund

The Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) Student Research Grant

Jackson School of Geosciences (UT-Austin) Analytical Funds Grant 


SEPM Student Travel Grant

Geological Society of America South-Central Section Travel Grant   

McBride of Folkenstein Endowment Award

Roscoe G. Jackson II Award 

Jackson School of Geosciences (UT-Austin) External Research Grant 

AAPG Grants-in-Aid General Fund

The Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) Student Research Grant 

AIPG William J. Siok Graduate Scholarship       

Undergraduate Student Research Grants & Scholarships


UAA Honors College Tuition Waver for High Achieving Students

AIPG National Undergraduate Scholarship

Geophysical Society of Alaska Scholarship

NAGT Field Camp Scholarship


UAA Academic Merit Scholarship

UAA Honors College Tuition Waver for High Achieving Students

Women in Mining Scholarship

AIPG National Undergraduate Scholarship

Geophysical Society of Alaska Scholarship

Alaska Geological Society Scholarship


OURS Undergraduate Research Grant 

JMP Engineering Scholarship


UAA Geology Department Student Involvement Tuition Waiver

Awards & Recognition

Albemarle Corporation Full (24-credit) Tuition Waiver 

2016 UAA Core Workshop (Depositional Systems): Second Place Poster      

2015 UAA Undergraduate Research Symposium: First Place Poster 

2015 UAA Core Workshop (Sedimentology): First Place Poster