Dr. Kristina Butler
I am a field-based sedimentologist who dabbles in geochemistry, mineralogy, and geochrology.
I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Dallas. My research group is centered around 3 themes:
1. The origin and enrichment of brine- and sediment-hosted critical mineral resources
2. Terrestrial depositional systems and their paleoclimate records
3. The drivers and consequences of high topography
I am a first-generation geoscience student. My path into science was winding and somewhat non-traditional. I am always happy to chat about career planning, mental health and wellness in academia, and all things lakes, lagoons, lithium and diversity, equity, and inclusion in the geosciences! Check out my other website www.futurerockdoc.com for resources for geoscience students.
Owen McCaffrey
PhD Student UTD
I am a first-year PhD student in the Sustainable Earth System Sciences Program at UT Dallas. My curiosity in earth science is broad but centers on using geochemistry and sedimentology to learn about the distribution of earth’s resources. I am joining Dr. Butler’s research group to investigate the nature and timing of the hydrogeochemical processes governing lithium enrichment in the Salar de Atacama basin. My motivation for this work stems from our societal challenge to improve the sustainability and cost effectiveness of resource extraction. Some of my secondary professional interests include science communication and the geopolitics of the energy industry.
Niloofar Mesbah
PhD Student UTD
I am a geoscience PhD student in Dr. Butler’s research group, focusing on the formation and enrichment of lithium deposits found within sedimentary rocks and brines across North America. Currently, my research centers on lithium-rich oil field brines in the Permian Basin, United States. My expertise includes GIS, remote sensing, and water resource management. I earned my bachelor's degree in water science and engineering from the Isfahan University of Technology.
Madigan Blake
PhD Student UTD
I am a PhD student at the University of Texas at Dallas working on lithium-rich oilfield brines in the Alberta Basin. I earned my Bachelor's of Geosciences from UTD in 2023. I’ll be researching the Leduc Formation Li-rich brines in the Fall of 2023. I am interested in careers in careers working towards the clean energy transition.
Rida Choudhry
Undergraduate Student UTD
I an undergraduate student at UTD pursuing a bachelor's degree in the Geosciences. Understanding how the world works, from the formation of planets to functions of cellular components, has always interested me. Learning more about these topics can allow me to analyze trends in both the past and the future, which is something I would love to pursue as a career. I am very excited to start exploring the world of geological research and all it has to offer- including learning new skills, exploring niche topics, and creating a positive impact with Dr. Butler. In the future, I would like to expand on chemical-related functions as well as getting hands-on in the field.